Dyke Industries

About Us

Sales Team

John Spencer, General Manager
Phone: (901) 362-6260
Email: jspencer@dykeind.com

Brandon Burgett, Territory Manager
Phone: (901) 362-6260
Mobile: (901) 573-6434
Email: bburgett@dykeind.com

Bud Coker, Territory Manager
Phone: (901) 362-6260
Mobile: (901) 573-6434
Email: bcoker@dykeind.com

Skip Gallagher, Territory Manager
Phone: (901) 362-6260
Mobile: (901) 870-5006

Taylor Myers, Territory Manager
Phone: (901) 362-6260
Mobile: (901) 573-7125



Administrators log in with your 10 digit Dyke account number, including the dash (XXXXXX-XXXX). Sales Accounts use the Username provided to you by your Administrator. You will be required to update your password and add contact information upon initial log in.

If you are not a Dyke dealer and would like to become one please click here.


Administrators enter your 10 digit Dyke account number, including the dash (XXXXXX-XXXX). Sales Accounts enter the Username provided to you by your Administrator.